“This game is for us all” public art near Hockey Hall of Fame – Toronto, ON. Canada

Photo by Professional Women’s Hockey Player’s Association

Client: Public Art

Artist: unknown

Consultants: Professional Women’s Hockey Player’s Association /Budweiser

General Contractor: unknown

Completion: 2021

“I liken it to the fearless girl that’s on Wall Street in New York City. Hopefully it sparks that conversation and is a sort of inspiration for people. It’s the opportunity to have the conversation around visibility, and how do we increase that in women’s hockey, and how do we help to sort of change that culture?”

-Hefford, Professional Women’s Hockey Player’s Association


Temporary statue installation ‘This Game is for us all” is a message to the public the importance of female recognition and inclusion in the sport of hockey.

Learn More/Get Involved

Professional Women’s Hockey Player’s Association

NHL Hockey Hall of Fame

KPA Architects and Planners

Spencer R. Higgins