Buffalo Crossing at Fort Whyte Alive – Winnipeg MB, Canada

 “The building is really about inviting people to the site,… getting them excited about sustainability, demonstrating how comfortable, how quiet, how incredible passive houses spaces are; which should  drive curiosity and wander and hopefully action ” – Michael Banman, Architect, Stantec Winnipeg Client: Fort Whyte Alive Architects: Stantec Winnipeg General Contractor: PCL Construction Consultants: Luisa …

Waterfront Toronto – Toronto, ON.

Toronto`s main waterfront street is being transformed into a showpiece for the city – Waterfront Toronto Waterfront Toronto – Queens Quay East and Cherry Street Revitalization – Toronto, ON. Client: Waterfront Toronto Architects: Stantec (Landscape), Public Work (Urban Design) Consultants: various General Contractor: various Estimated completion: 2026 Sustainability The sustainability is in its urban design, …