Pop-up office – Toronto, ON. Canada

Photo by Dubbledam Architecture + Design

`wonderful that a material that was previously considered a waste product has a new life and is being used everyday. `

Heather Dubbledam, Heather Dubbledam Architecture + Design

Client: various

Architects: Heather Dubbledam Architecture + Design

Consultants: unknown

General Contractor: unknown

Completion: on-going


Modular assembly, adaptable, flexible, individual and collaborative area, wall and flooring can be reconfigured and are made out of reclaimed shipping pallets that was once technically deemed as a waste product.

Dubbledam Architects calculated that 50 pallets can fit into a 8`x 20` shipping container for ease of  transporting, and shelves can be reconfigured. Alternatively used for outdoor festivals, disaster relief shelters, and start ups office space.

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Heather Dubbledam Architecture + Design