East of the Red RecPlex – Winnipeg MB, Canada

Image by Gibbs Gage/fBLOK

The betterment of the world is at the core of what we do. Sustainability is a major part of this, and we take a holistic approach that strives to advance all 4 pillars of sustainability equally: Environmental, Economic, Cultural, and Social. It is this expanded approach to understanding sustainable projects which we feel leads to truly meaningful and sustainable projects.



There will be a public consultation on November 8, 2021 for the proposed project to ensure the plans align with the resident’s needs and to update the feasibility study performed in 2018.

The proposed facility will offer a gathering place to learn new life skills such as swimming, and provide fitness training areas that contributes to  the community’s long term health and wellness. It will provide a place to go for local residents during the warm and colder months. As the population grows and as nearby facilities are reaching their end of life cycle, there will be a need to renovate or replace old facilities for future generations to use.

The proposed plan will also include onsite tree planting and landscaping to assist the quality of air near the site.

Learn More/Get Involved

City of Winnipeg

David Hewko Planning and Program Management

Gibbs Gage Architects