Buffalo Crossing at Fort Whyte Alive – Winnipeg MB, Canada

Image by Fort Whyte Alive

 “The building is really about inviting people to the site,… getting them excited about sustainability, demonstrating how comfortable, how quiet, how incredible passive houses spaces are; which should  drive curiosity and wander and hopefully action ”

– Michael Banman, Architect, Stantec Winnipeg

Client: Fort Whyte Alive

Architects: Stantec Winnipeg

General Contractor: PCL Construction

Consultants: Luisa Drope, Energy Modeling and Building Performance Consultant, Indigenous Consultant (Stantec Vancouver), Passive House Expert, Local Trades Training.

Completion: Fall of 2022


The building is designed with passive design elements for energy efficiency, reduced thermal bridging and thermal insulation for passive heating and cooling.

Mass timber walls and cross laminated timber together with insulation for air tightness will contribute to a low carbon footprint. The shape and orientation of the building will capture sun for heating and shading for cooling, that will allow for a smaller and simple mechanical system.

The integrated design process includes energy modelers, indigenous consultants, passive house experts and passive house training for local trades.

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Fort Whyte Alive

Stantec Winnipeg