Olympic Village – Vancouver, BC. Canada.

Vancouver Olympic Village is certified as “the most sustainable neighbourhood in the world” – U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Client: City of Vancouver Architects: Merrick Architecture – Borowski Lintott Sakumoto Figg Limited, GBL Architects, Walter Franci Architecture, Rober Cicozzi Architecture Inc., Mick Mildovich Architects Inc. Consultants: Brent Toderian (Planning), Glotman+Simpson Consulting Engineers (Structural) General Contractor: …

Buffalo Crossing at Fort Whyte Alive – Winnipeg MB, Canada

 “The building is really about inviting people to the site,… getting them excited about sustainability, demonstrating how comfortable, how quiet, how incredible passive houses spaces are; which should  drive curiosity and wander and hopefully action ” – Michael Banman, Architect, Stantec Winnipeg Client: Fort Whyte Alive Architects: Stantec Winnipeg General Contractor: PCL Construction Consultants: Luisa …

East of the Red RecPlex – Winnipeg MB, Canada

The betterment of the world is at the core of what we do. Sustainability is a major part of this, and we take a holistic approach that strives to advance all 4 pillars of sustainability equally: Environmental, Economic, Cultural, and Social. It is this expanded approach to understanding sustainable projects which we feel leads to …

Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada – Winnipeg MB, Canada

The architectural language is simple and bold, creating a clear and identifiable symbol of the power and grace of flight – Bruno Verenini, Architecture 49 Inc. Client: Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada Architects: Reich & Petch Architects Inc. , Architecture49 Inc. Consultants: Supermetal General Contractor: PCL Constructors Completion: 2022 Sustainability Collaborating with the Winnipeg …